New Theatre in Ireland Course


Next semester (Summer 2016) there will be an incredible opportunity for SAU Students. Dr. Corinne Johnson will be teaching THTR 321 Ireland's Culture and Theatre. This class will meet once a week throughout the Spring semester and then take a two-week trip to Ireland right after May graduation.

In order for this class and trip to happen, at least 10 students need to sign up, but 20 would be ideal. Any current SAU student can register. The class will be available for 3 credits of Theatre 321, Topics in Theatre OR 3 credits of International Studies 210, Special Topics in Culture and Civilization. Non-SAU students are also welcome on the trip, but current SAU students will have priority.

There is a fee of approximately $4,366 for this class because it involves an overseas trip. This price includes everything except passport fees, meals, personal baggage fees, and souvenirs and extra spending money. The deadline for the application and $500 deposit is November 15, 2015.

As deadlines are fast approaching, start thinking about the trip, talking to family to help you go, and get excited!! To help get everyone excited for this trip, here is what Dr. Corinne Johnson said about how she feels about the upcoming trip:

"I am crazy excited about this class! I am a huge fan of Irish playwrights and have been to Ireland on six separate occasions, once teaching at Carlow College for a semester. I am thrilled at the prospect of traveling with this current group of FANTASTIC SAU students and exploring the wonders of Dublin, Galway, the Aran Islands, Derry and Belfast!

"We will read and see plays, tour the countryside, and study the impact of politics on the Irish people and how theatre has been a traditional and important outlet for education, entertainment and agitation. This will be an experience of a lifetime!"

Questions or concerns? Contact the Study Abroad Office.


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